Fresh Brew - New News from Café Thorium
Recent Interview:
Scientists weigh in on dumping of radioactive water into Cape Cod Bay
Ken Buesseler on the Cape and Islands NPR station WCAI
Sea of Thorium data Repository Available
We are excited to announce Café Thorium Post Doctoral Scholar Elena Ceballos with colleagues from…
Hot off the Press: Next steps for assessing ocean iron fertilization for mCDR
On Monday September 9th, 2024 a new paper was published in Frontiers: Climate: Next steps…
Training Workshop on Marine Radioactivity
In August 2024 the Center for Marine Environmental Radioactivity along with partners hosted a successful…
The future of ocean health
Human and environmental health are inextricably linked. Yet ocean ecosystem health is declining because of…
Minimizing harm: the concrete option for Fukushima tanks waste
Minimizing Harm: the concrete option for solving the accumulation of radioactively contaminated water at the…
The scale of the problem – Comments on a MA Dept. of Public Health report on radioactivity in untreated waters at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
On May 19, 2023 a report was released by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health…
Sea Grant to study Water Pathways in Cape Cod Bay to model potential Pilgrim Wastewater release
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Sea Grant has been recommended for rapid response funding from…
Ocean Iron Fertilization: Assessing its potential as a climate solution
Hot off the press November 2nd, 2022 a new white paper by authors with the…
More data needed before ocean water release of Fukushima water
A new commentary in the Japan Times by Ken Buesseler, highlights that the full extent…
The greatest migration happens in darkness every day
A recent Scientific American article by Katherine Harmon Courage talks about the ocean twilight zone…
Ken named a Geochemistry Fellow by GS-EAG
Dr. Ken Buesseler has been named a Geochemistry Fellow by the Geochemical Society and the…
The Power of the Ocean
Opinion piece just published on The Hill by Ken Buesseler December 23, 2021 Carbon dioxide…
Comments on Nov. 2021 Fukushima Radiological Impact Assessment
On November 17, 2021 TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) made public a Radiological Impact Assessment…
NEW Report released on the roll of Oceans in Carbon Dioxide Removal
A NEW report has been released: A Research Strategy for Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal and…
Our Three “Hour” Tour
By Ken Buesseler, NORTHERN ATLANTIC OCEAN For those of us who grew up watching Gilligan’s…
Dive and Discover the Twilight Zone!
Despite some wavy weather and a rolling ship, the Twilight Zone team aboard the Spanish…
10 Years after Fukushima: I’m still worried
It has been 10 years since the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plants…
EVENT: March 4th – Fukushima and the Ocean: 10 Years of study and insight
PLEASE JOIN US Thursday March 4th For the 10th anniversary of the accident at the…
Addressing contaminants from Fukushima and the risks of ocean dumping
A fresh look at seawater stored in tanks on the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant…
Understanding Risks of Radioactive Effluent at San Onofre, CA
Surfrider is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the protectoin and enjoyment of the world’s ocean,…
Previous Events
Ocean Encounters: Radiation: In our ocean, our planet, and our lives
Watch a recording of Ocean Envounters from Wednesday March 24th.
We live on a radioactive planet. With the 10th anniversary of the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan, we take a look at the radiation all around us—its natural sources, its human applications, and their impacts on us and our environment.
Fukushima Dai-ichi and the Ocean: 10 Years of Study and Insight
Watch recordings of this event! The events in Japan that began on March 11, 2011, with the country’s largest recorded earthquake and a tsunami of remarkable power, led to releases of radioactive materials from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant that continue today. For humanity and for the oceans, the magnitude, composition, and variety of releases that have occurred over the past 10 years have been unprecedented, and the lessons we continue to learn resonate around the world.